7月27日読了時間: 1分(COT)Club Officer TrainingThere was the club officer training in Division C. I learned lots of things and shared information with many people.
6月16日読了時間: 1分(April)Division ContestLast April, we had the Division C Contests. The Representatives of 5 Areas had the nice speeches.
5月26日読了時間: 1分(May)Opening Remarks of Annual ConferenceDivision Director had the short speech at the annual conference.
5月25日読了時間: 1分(May)Annual ConferenceThe Annual Conference was held on May 18 - 19,2024,in Tokyo. Division Director and Area Directors joined the meeting in person. Many...
5月14日読了時間: 1分New Officers' NominationThe terms of officers are from July to June of the following year. At the regular meeting on May 8, the next officers were nominated. The...
5月13日読了時間: 1分Area Director joined us.At the 866th regular meeting (2024/5/8), Area Director participated online! She enjoyed in the table topic speech. (5月8日の866回例会に、Area...
5月13日読了時間: 2分Club OfficersA Toastmasters club is mainly run by seven officers. Every year, new officers are elected in May and serve from July to the following...
5月13日読了時間: 1分Division Director joined us. At the 865th regular meeting (2024/4/24), Division C Director participated and gave a speech! (4月24日の865回例会に、Division C...