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Hybrid type meeting (Offline and Online) every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month

Next meetings:

  • December 25th (Wed) 19:00-20:30 (Offline/Online) No 9 training room

  • January 8th (Wed) 19:00-20:30 (Offline/Online) No 6 training room

  • January 22nd (Wed) 19:00-20:30 (Offline/Online) No 6 training room

  • February 12th (Wed) 19:00-20:30 (Offline/Online) No 6 training room

  • February 26th (Wed) 19:00-20:30 (Offline/Online) No 6 training room


*Zoom link will be sent by email before the meeting.

★ Your Chance Is Here ★

Looking for a dynamic and fun way to improve your Public Speaking and Leadership skills? Then look no further! We meet twice a month for 1.5 hours each meeting, offering you plenty of opportunities to take your confidence to the next level. Osaka Toastmasters Club is an English-speaking club founded in 1980 and a member of District 76, Japan.

You can attend as a guest at the venue or online meetings for free up to three times. See for yourself whether Toastmasters is for you. As a guest, you'll have a chance to chat with other members and even try an impromptu speech called Table Topics if you're keen. Just fill out the guest form here and wait for our reply!

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